Monday, March 29, 2021

Life does not Stand Still


Life does not Stand Still

Once the door opens to release me

a battlefield will rise

a barricade of challenges

as endless as the skies

a sea of roaring waves

no Moses to divide

choices for the making

on which I must decide

with enemies to fight

so many different sides

I must drive very straight

or else I might collide

Once the door opens to release me

there will be no more talk

there will be no more second chances

I have to walk the walk

no more lame excuses

no more mighty lies

no more beating around the bushes

no holding things inside

So once the door opens to release me

I know all that will come

I expect to see dark times

so I am grateful for the sun

But once that door has opened

and I know it will

I must keep moving forward

for life does not stand still