Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Heart Felt Message

A Heart-felt Message

One day I heard the message:
A hard head makes a soft behind,
And the tallest trees you fall from are the ones you choose to climb.”
And then I started thinking,
Another gem popped in my head:
A life well-lived can’t be achieved from the safety of your bed.”
And then I felt the message,
A wisdom somewhere deep
It made its presence known,
From my head down to my feet.
I kept on contemplating
Till I couldn’t think no more
My conscience started kicking in
Of this I was sure.
I felt it in my heart
That some things I did were wrong.
And I couldn’t keep them
As a secret
In the dark for long.
I knew I had a hard head
And I’d made a soft behind
But now I want to see the Sun and leave that life behind.
I didn’t have a helmet, a harness, or the time
But I kept in picking California Redwoods, tryna climb.
But now those days are over
My head’s soft as it should be
And without all that extra armor
I can finally see.
I see the path before
I know who I can be
And that doesn’t include
Being the man who climbed the largest tree.
This heart-felt message changed me
It stayed inside my head
Because a life well-lived can’t be achieved from the safety of your bed.



Why’d you leave me stranded
When you didn’t have to leave?
Why’d you choose to go away?
Did it have to do with me?

I was told you had postpartum
But didn’t know what that meant.
Why didn’t you take pictures of the places that you went?

Why did I call others, “mother”
When you’re the one who gave me birth?
Why do I still think about you
Even though sometimes it hurts?

Why aren’t we together
As a mother and her son?
Dad told me that God decided
There could only be one.

Why won’t you see me graduate,
Get a license and a car?
Why’d you have to leave me behind
Without me knowing who you are?

Life's Mystery *

Life’s Mystery

Life is a mystery
One that never seems to be solved
All answers beyond what the eye can see
Through all life’s twists and turns
Through hate that burns
And love that mourns
This mystery is never solved
More and more everyday people lie
To hide what’s hidden on the inside
More and more everyday people try
To get away from the corrupted outside
But they get nowhere
Stuck in between the here and there
Where no one seems to care
Outside is filled with tears and laughter
Along with poor miscommunication
But all that’s gone when you enter the hereafter
Along with rich information
About the pain of roses
About the door that closes
And how money poses
In this life that’s filled with sensations
The question is why to we hate
Those who are kind
And love the ones that are now late?
And for an answer I get a question
With dirty looks from dirty faces
Not to mention
The failed riots, protests, and interventions
There’s no answer to the question
That troubles my black and white mind
To ease my troubled mind
I take a sip
Then my heart and soul come to life
Into memory lane I take a dip
Not realizing I’m causing strife
With the hurt and pain I’m collecting
My insides suddenly projecting
The help that I’m now neglecting
Then there’s the little boys and girls
Sucked into deception and temptation
By the big bad cruel world
They use this as an excuse to fill sensation
To be the baddest kids around
To clarify their silent cries at night that don’t make a sound
To show why they starve themselves to lose a pound
And explain why they live their life in desperation
Life is a mystery
One that never seems to be solved
And never will be



There will be no peace without war
To give is to gain
But what for?
To love is to hate
But wait…
Now we’re to late to love some more
We lie when we try to be true
We’re true to those who lie
We give up when all we do is try
Then we cry in the night
Yet we try to find the light
We lie in bed with those who we do not kiss
And kiss those who belong to another
We’re hurt by our father
But blame our mother
They call us their son
But don’t treat us like a child
Apparently we’re their daughter
But yet we’re too wild
They lock us up and throw away the key
Then ask why we are not free
We hear the words true love
And know its meaning
We say the word love
And have no clue to its true meaning
We all want to be real but act fake
We all give more than we can take
And take more than what we make
We say stop but proceed to go
We say yes but really mean no
We say we know but we have no clue
We believe in lies but not what’s true
We live in a world where being bad is the new good
Instead of learning from schools we learn from the hood
Instead of reading books we’re getting lit
Throwing our life away with every sip
We live in a world where being rude is the new kind
Tell others to stay out our business
But don’t know how to mind mine
We live in a world of realistics
But stay stuck in the fiction

With all these lovely contradictions.